Chelsea Aniba – Top Western Islands Cluster Rep


A strong but humble young woman of the Dhoeybaw clan (Wild Yam) of Saibai Island, whose ambition has always been to help Torres Strait islanders and Aboriginal people in closing the gap on social issues, to improve services and create opportunities for business development, home ownership and Native title development. Climate change has always be [...]

Jimmy Gela – Eastern Islands Cluster Rep


Mr. Jimmy Gela has bloodlines to Erub (Darnley) Island but was born and raised on Thursday Island where his father worked at the Waiben (Thursday) Island Hospital before moving across to the General Hospital. Jimmy worked on the Railways after finishing High School in 1974. He lived on the both the mainland and Erub Island, [...]

Frank Fauid – Central Islands Cluster Rep


Mr. Frank Fauid was born on Poruma Island, in the Central Islands Cluster of Torres Strait. Frank is interested in media and is passionate about helping TSIMA reach a national and international audience. More importantly, Frank wants to ensure that the RIBS stations on each island is in full operation and broadcasts on a daily [...]